Monday 19 October 2009

Graphing Physical Intimacy

hahaha I find this image funny because with thesis due date looming in one week and the number of figures and graphs I still need to nothing compared to the simplicity of this graph regarding physical intimacy. It speaks so much.

Taken from "Sex and the supremacy of Christ" ed. John Piper and Justin Taylor

3 of the articles I posted before this one is in this book. Lawrence writes that he's not suggesting a new set of boundaries not to cross in regards to the figures, but to reconsider what it means to be physically intimate between a man and a woman. Interestingly Carolyn McCulley touches base about emotions and the depth you share banters with male colleagues (if you're a female). I wonder if the book talks more about emotional intimacy and what the bible has to say about it.

I like how McCulley in the 'sex and the single woman' chapter writes that "our most important identity is not being single; it's being saved." In my head the same would apply for any stage of our lives whether widowed, married, 'dating', single, young, old.

Our identity is in Christ, our status is saved. He is glorified!

The more I read about these articles or stuff about relationships, sex etc. the more I'm convicted about what I stand for and want to follow. It's radical compared to how most Christians think. It's challenging because I know I'll get teased for it (and already have), it may 'decrease' chances but I guess I'm not willing to commit or willing to invest in a guy and compromise my or his identity in Christ. Perhaps partially I'm afraid to go down the path I knew I was weak in. No point testing how strong I am now. It seems so much harder in a culture where we have a choice in a partner...

In all honesty I don't really believe that it'll decrease chances or "I'm not helping myself much" having such views/standards. If that were so, it'll seem I'm trusting that outcomes are based on works and I'm blessed by what I do or how godly I am or whatever. God doesn't really work like that if I understand his grace.

Hopefully the next post will be about a different topic. I guess I've been posting more so on these topics because I'm surrounded by it at the moment or perhaps...distracted/disturbed by it.


Anonymous said...

What are you standing for a wanting to follow? I think I missed that bit :/

It might decrease the chances of you making relational mistakes though, and there's nothing wrong with that!
"You're too picky"--as though God is frustrated by our fickle whims and needs broader parameters in which to work. from here.

...the depth you share banters with male colleagues This is a struggle, trying to find a way to relate to my brothers well.

Unknown said...

==Depth with male friends/colleagues.==
At the moment I don't have a struggle as long as there is an understanding between the two of us and certain emotions don't get crossed. Although easier said than done.

I think what I struggle with most is do I still change the way I related to them once they get a gf? I totally understand how I'd related if they got married, many of my male friends, I get what needs to change. When I think about the conversations I have with my girl mates, I don't really need to change the topics, I can still have the same conversations with them when they get bfs (but it's different I suppose). Why would it change for a guy if he's not married if "dating" is still considered single from a biblical POV? What if the two of you were like brothers and sisters (not literally but relationally), should that change?

=="you're too picky"==
Warped theology to explain singleness, I've read that article before. I like the list of warped theology Brown listed down.

==what I want to stand for==
I suppose everything I've been posting about in the last two posts about "the game and playing it biblically". I'm yet to read something about how to play it emotionally safe. In my head at the moment is to have the same conversations as I would with my friends. Never treat the guy like he's the only one I can rely/lean on. Basically he's just like any of my other friends....easier said than done. Some might even argue, how do you get to discern whether I'm willing to love him sacrificially?

However from the bible, friends were willing to be sacrificial, even to the near point of dead (Epaphroditus), even to go against their father (Jonathan and Saul). In true light they were serving God in the end instead of just their friends.

Wow, saying all that really opened a door for me in discovering emotional intimacy and what the bible has to say about it.

Sorry long comment.