Wednesday 15 October 2008

Internet Purchases

Internet shopping frenzy has been occuring lately. I've been checking Zazz nearly everyday and last week I purchased a flying alarm clock and it's come through today. I hope it really helps me get out of bed in the morning as I am notoriously terrible in the mornings. I also did an impulse purchase for an Aladdin Soundtrack CD off ebay for Nathan's birthday which I was not present at his party because I was in Geraldton that weekend. And finally I think it was yesterday or the day before I also ebayed a gorillapod. It will come in handy for Bustrip on the way to SPRTE in Canberra end of this year. I might be able to hang off my camcorder somewhere in the bus and we can have a diarycam happening. It'd be interesting to see the change in people's energy and faces over the 2-3days of travel.

Better hit the sack, I've tested out the new alarm clock but it's different when it starts wailing when you're asleep. A little bit scared as to how I'd react...