Tuesday 9 February 2010

Broken Cigarette and a Sniper

Woke up from a dream today. I don't normally dream much nowadays. I was being chased. The dream was located in the present time because the sniper was shooting from a very long distance away and the gun technology was recent.

In the dream I was located in a place mixed between NTE 2010 AFES accommodation, and dorms that had similar windows to the Serpentine Baptist Campsite. However once you escape out of the accommodation area its a bit jungly/rural/not so built up.

Last night I was hanging out with school friends and some brought up dreams. Some of them in the room were Buddhists, an "atheist" interested to look into Buddhism, a couple of Agnostics and one other Christian. Someone mentioned that people only make dreams into something because they make something out of it. Where as if you don't make anything out of it, it means nothing.

Either way all I appreciated is that where I live now as a Christian, it's so easy to carry the message of the gospel because our persecution is nothing compared to those who are chased all the time, where their lives are literally at danger to the point of physical death. Paul the apostle if you read in Acts 9 during his early years of ministry was lowered out of a hole in the wall in Damascus because people were plotting to kill him. There were a lot more troubles than that, and close to the end of the written account about him in Acts, he was placed in jail all because of a misunderstanding!

However I don't think my dream had primarily to do with being persecuted for my faith because all I recall about being put in that situation was I was holding a cigarette that was falling apart and we were locating a room related to these goods. Only read into it in the first place because of the location of the dream. I guess you can't read too much into dreams and also I don't really read into it. All I know is that the feeling of being chased by people with experience in weapons is scary. Thanks to God he's got greater control since we now no longer fear death.

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