Sunday 27 September 2009

Mutual Encouragement

At Albany airport about to board the plane to Perth on 25/9/09, 16:00 after 5 nights and 5 days working with Kim Brooksbank (supervisor) on my final year project. Thanks Kim!

Whilst in Albany I learned a couple of things so that I understood more about myself.
  • If I were to have very minimum contact with Christians, I would find it quite difficult to be on fire for God I think...
  • Also working in a secular job and not doing anything else or have much contact with Christians I probably won't survive the job.
Well I know I will survive because with God's strength he will enable me to keep looking towards him and be thankful in my circumstance. Phil 4:13.

All this has led me to think that I would love to share life with someone closely through all that...

Therefore if I am blessed in this lifetime a marriage partner where we both are able to mutually encourage each other by our faith (Rom 1:12) would be a very awesome bonus in this life. But not a necessity. He'll bless us with others in the same faith so that we are able to do what Paul felt in Rom 1:11-12. I felt that in particular with some Christian friends here in Perth.

It's good to be back although I wished I could have stayed longer in Albany as it help heading into the office where Kim works everyday. Now it's cramming time to finish thesis, present the project findings and complete other unit assessments for the next 4 weeks before exams.

Friday 18 September 2009

6 year old correspondences

Procrastinating, yep that's right another assignment due in 15 hours.

Okay so now what, 6 year old correspondences is the topic. Part of my procrastination is to check my email a thousand times. I'm flicking through some preeeety old emails, that is from my email prior to the current one I use now because I know nothing new is going to come through my current email at this time of the night/morning, so why not read even older ones in the old email I created during highschool.

I'm chuckling because I could bring out a gag bucket reading the correspondences I'm looking at from 1st-2nd year of uni. Aah, young love, so naive and quick to jump into writing whatever is on the mind without much maturity or caution to guard each others hearts. As the dates progress the tone of the emails change, from naive love, to frustration and tension. hahaha, it's amusing and for the unlikely people who read this, if you're going through any sort of frustration/issues/sadness, you'll most probably laugh or just smile about it in a few years time. So try not to feel too bad about it now and/or hang on to it for too long...

Most importantly if you know God, the real thing to look forward to is heavenward in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14b). Rely on him.

ps. I quote part of a sentence I wrote in one of the correspondences "deep down I'm just really lost, confused, hurt and a nut case"

nut case....HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm so glad I'm able to laugh at myself.

Friday 4 September 2009

5 degrees 2:51am

Five degrees at 2:51 in the morning and I'm attempting to finishing off an assignment that's only worth 10% and a hydrodynamic model which I probably only understand about 30% of it....And obviously getting distracted youtubing or reading people's blogs. At least I'm not mentally giving up yet... =\

I was reading Kat's blog about her fears and anticipation of her future and her worth. Her open public honesty is something I can't describe. It's interesting because I know what she's thinking regarding about being unmarried by a certain time. I haven't felt that fear yet...well I hope I never feel it because it is something I think about now and then but I haven't felt regrets, fear, unhappiness about the circumstance I am in. I think I tend to accept the situation quite comfortably and look forward to what I definitely know which is the blessed hope, heading home with Christ.

Yes it is quite exciting to get married, raise up toddlers, kids, teenagers, young adults, go through the good and bad with a husband and serve God together as a family! But how much more exciting it is to reunite with God's family for eternity. I can only look past the present, and past the future of this lifetime. I am not certain of 5 years, 10 years, 50 years down the road but am certain of God's promises. Meanwhile, we just gotta keep running the race under his amazing grace!

Acknowledging Kat's thoughts.

And always acknowledging you LORD who is trustworthy.
