Thursday 13 November 2008

Exams. Done a lot of other things.

Exams. Procrastination. Videos. Youtube. Google. In the midst of exams I've been utterly unproductive when it comes to study. However with other things I've done a lot of. Done a lot meaning being distracted by doing a lot of other things to avoid study. As for googling I don't know why but recently googled inters camp and found that overseas Christian camps are running labled as Inters Camp. It's awesome. I stumbled across this guy's blog that mentioned about an inters camp he was at. I saw another blog which had the same camp name. It's so good to know and read that there are other Christian leaders willing to lead kids, have fun and learn more about God's word.

Another inters camp site lead me to an interview with Chris Tomlin that show how simple the song "How Great is our God" is yet so powerful. Finally a CD, I can purchase from Koorong or Word, that will guarantee me at least a couple of great songs in the album because of the artist and the video I've seen of him demonstrating and singing 'How Great is our God'.

Also last night I finally won an ebay item that was on a bid. I never win items that have to be bidded. However it all changed last night. It was just a t-shirt, but I won!

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Internet Purchases

Internet shopping frenzy has been occuring lately. I've been checking Zazz nearly everyday and last week I purchased a flying alarm clock and it's come through today. I hope it really helps me get out of bed in the morning as I am notoriously terrible in the mornings. I also did an impulse purchase for an Aladdin Soundtrack CD off ebay for Nathan's birthday which I was not present at his party because I was in Geraldton that weekend. And finally I think it was yesterday or the day before I also ebayed a gorillapod. It will come in handy for Bustrip on the way to SPRTE in Canberra end of this year. I might be able to hang off my camcorder somewhere in the bus and we can have a diarycam happening. It'd be interesting to see the change in people's energy and faces over the 2-3days of travel.

Better hit the sack, I've tested out the new alarm clock but it's different when it starts wailing when you're asleep. A little bit scared as to how I'd react...

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Giant Pencils Discovered at Albany Field Trip

Oceanography Group Amongst Giant Pencils

Strong Winds

Suitable conditions for a wind farm

I returned from a week long field trip in Albany a week ago. Learnt, field techniques in particular to do with physical oceanography, deploying drifters, collecting water samples and analysing samples, CTD drops, using the ADCP (acoustic dopler current profiler) wave height to measure tides etc. Oyster Harbour was our study site in which we spent two days out in the field collecting data. The weather was a restriction which meant less days out collecting data. However going through some data today made realise we are better off with less data because we have fair bit of data to sort and analyse. I am not looking forward to putting together the report that is worth 50%. The informal group talks was a great way to learn what the other group projects were and techniques they used to collect their data.

I managed to get to know the SESE students a bit more and learnt to play VC (Vietnamese Cards), similar to Presidents but with more combination of moves and suites are accounted for. CUers have been dominating the Village Cafe at uni playing cards and it's another reminder how effective cards can entertain people who may not be the best of friends but connected in some way or another.

We saw giant pencils, had close encounters with pelicans, visited the wind farm, blowhole and the gap. The winds are incredibly strong in Albany however the temperature never reached extreme lows or highs. The Albany Port view was spectacular at Camp Quaranup (where we stayed).

A fair few were sick and I caught the bug as soon as I returned back to Perth. The trend went something like this, fever->sore throat->flemmy throat->coughing up flem->blowing nose. No rest gives the bugs opportunity to attack. I'm on the road to recovery and had a very quiet weekend which was quite the contrary to the weekend when returning from Albany.

In all, the field trip was worth the $200 as I absorbed a bit of everything, from educational, listening to talks, site seeing, interacting with people and captured some nice shots. God has been gracious to ensure our safety during the entire ordeal.

My stealth got me within 1m of these massive pelicans

One of the Great Views at Camp Quaranup