Sunday 22 November 2009

Breaking up

When a friend breaks up with her long term older (very much older) boyfriend and a bunch of you take her out the same night to talk and take her mind off's a long time coming but you hope this time she will stick to it.

It's troubling how people are stuck in their relationships. There are good times but the inevitable will happen...they won't be together forever but they still stay together...

That's the thing I find disturbing in a relationship. The emotions and physical intimacy that is difficult to let go of. ARgh.... Although it might seem enjoyable, "love", and you might learn from it, it doesn't make it right.

I don't understand. I wish that things didn't have to be this way. But they always will be...

You'll always see this more evidently in non-Christian relationships. And sadly between Christians too.

Sometimes I wonder if it's easier with having a Christian mentality when it comes to relationships but within a context of a relationship between two non-Christians. The pool is certainly larger...not sure about the quality but quantity it sure is.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Marriage (trust)

"I don't know.

I love him Aaron.

I just..I know I can't control him. It's the hardest part about all of this."

"Trust always is with an alcoholic. But if you can't trust Mark, who can you trust?"

-Flashforward. Season 1, episode 5 "Gimme some truth"

Trust within a marriage...who can you trust? Without Jesus at the center I wonder how married couples do it. Christian couples don't even do it right...however she had it right saying she knows she can't control her husband. Control doesn't work in a relationship, love does.

Monday 2 November 2009

The excitement about something

I'm 34 hours away from finishing my last exam ever (of undergrad studies anyway, and I don't plan to do anymore uni related studies).

Hopefully no more than a few days away from finishing the last assessment of uni...practicum report (DON'T LEAVE IT THIS LATE, else you'll have to sit the next round of graduation like me).

And if all goes well with passing, I am done.


Taking a few steps backwards to reflect the past week and a half.

Handing in thesis 2 days late without proofreading on at noon on Wednesday was terrible however it's in, and that's what matters. The experience of not having slept properly since the Thursday before was incredible. 39.5 hours had passed without sleep during the overlap when I handed in the printed hardcopies for marking.

I think I did another 34hour no sleep stint the day commencing the day before the actual due date of thesis (Monday), and prior to that the last hours of sleep I had was approximately 3 hours.

In summary not much sleep was happening for about 7 days. Since then completed a group modelling project, finished the last contaminant and fate transport assignment, a day of nothing (Saturday) but streaming Glee episodes from and commenced a few hours of study for this last exam.

I guess what I'm trying to write about is, I'M EXCITIED. I'm excited about something I don't know about. I just feel it. Something exciting is going to happen. With uni coming to a close soon, if all goes well and even without a job lined up (due to lack of applying/trying, but it'll pick up soon) something great will happen.

After church tonight and a couple of hours infront of the tv interchanging between Rove and the conspiracy movie, I flicked to opening past assignments to prep for the exam. Then after one question, my mind flicked to planning all these things buzzing in my mind to do before bustrip. Lots of projects such as:
  • a few videos
  • tidying up some things for uni/thesis project
  • youth group related
  • number of people that catch ups have been long overdue
  • the regular catchups

Wow. There's just so much to look forward to. The list didn't even include the beach, stupid stuff, running..hopefully, catch up on watching loads of DVDs, catch up on playing guitar hero over a few beers, reading catchup on theology stuff, INTERs camp, more video projects, seeing the construction of the house in Baldivis develop. Like wow. That in itself is exciting. Maybe that's it, that's what I'm excited about, all these things coming together to make a great summer.

Although the only downside is knowing me, I plan all these things but not all of it happens. However it's still exciting to know there's heaps to draw from. And it's great to know that God has it all in his hands with all that we plan because it's not entirely up to us. He will guide us through with all that we plan, rebuke the bad plans, and encourage the fruitful ones.

Looking forward to it all, even the frustrations that will come with these plans, as much as I dislike knowing that.

As for what life like will be in the future. I think instead of seeing the year like uni semesters and holidays as I always have the past few years during uni, I'll see and remember the future in seasons. Either that or in school terms because of youth group.

I wonder what autumn is going to look like. I'm excited!