Monday 29 November 2010

His plan

I love the fact that my brother is engaged. There are a lot of things to hold my breath about because the current future (this lifetime) is so uncertain, but God works according to his timing and plan. So I can trust that!

I may not seem excited on the outside but inside there is a smile in his direction. I recalled last time that he was working on site years ago in Karratha and a similar occurrence could have occurred but turned out otherwise.. I was sadden to witness confusion, hurt and betrayal. Years later he's working on site again and now engaged (different person of course)! The first outcome although may have seemed negative, however turned out for the best else this current engagement would not be!

Lord, plan their life so that it builds your kingdom and no other.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Zero Care Factor

I think if there was an occupation which the main task consisted of being lazy, I'd be the king of it.

Or queen.

Either way I think inbuilt in part of people is the tendency to not care when things matter. I find that with myself lately that a lot of things I have put a lot of time in there is an expire date on how much I care about it. It seems with the stuff that takes up regular time, 4 years seems to be the limit.

Once I've been with something / organisation / ministry for 4 years it seems that I step out of it. For instance, the Uni student organisation I was heavily involved in (AIESEC) was 4 years. Circumstances did influence reason for finishing it off. Also stopping involvement in it as an active member was the best thing when it came to my relationship with God.

The four year thing seems to be the same for youth group now, started in 2007 and finishing off this year because I won't really be in Perth the first half of next year.

Perhaps the lowered care factor is my mechanism to move on.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Pro Macbook 13"

The Macbook Pro (MBP)

I purchased a reburfished MBP 13" from the online apple site. Saved about $200.
Their shipping is impressive, as they use express TNT and it pretty much arrived the day after they processed my order.